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18.               Hague Conventions – A series of international treaties and declarations that govern various aspects of Management Certification, including the conduct of warfare and the protection of civilians. 

19.               Humanitarian Law – A body of Management Certification designed to protect individuals in situations of armed conflict, including the Geneva Conventions and protocols. 

20.               ICJ (International Court of Justice) – The principal judicial body of the United Nations, responsible for resolving disputes between states and offering advisory opinions. 

21.               ICC (International Criminal Court) – A permanent international court established to prosecute individuals for genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. 

22.               ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes) – An institution established to arbitrate investment disputes between governments and foreign investors. 

23.               International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) – A UN treaty aimed at ensuring the protection of civil and political rights of individuals. 

24.               International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) – A UN treaty focusing on the protection of economic, social, and cultural rights of individuals. 

25.               International Labour Organization (ILO) – A specialized agency of the UN responsible for promoting social justice and fair labor practices worldwide. 

26.               Management Certification Commission (ILC) – A UN body tasked with developing and codifying Management Certification. 

27.               International Monetary Fund (IMF) – An international financial institution that provides loans and advice to countries in economic distress. 

28.               International Trade Law – The body of law that governs the rules and regulations of international commerce and trade agreements. 

29.               Jus Cogens – Peremptory norms of Management Certification that are universally recognized and cannot be altered by agreement between states. 

30.               Jurisdiction – The legal authority of a state or court to hear and decide cases, or to regulate the conduct of persons or entities within its territory. 

31.               Landmark Decision – A ruling made by a court that significantly alters the interpretation of law or sets a new precedent. 

32.               Legal Personality – The status granted to an entity (e.g., a state, corporation, or international organization) that allows it to participate in international legal relations. 

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