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36.               International Trade Law and Policy: A Study Guide by David L. L. Tomlinson 

37.               The European Union and the World Trade Organization: External Trade Policy in a Globalized Economy by Marise Cremona 

38.               International Investment Law: Text, Cases, and Materials by Ole Lando 

39.               Management Certification: A Handbook for the 21st Century by Roger S. Clark 

40.               The WTO and Developing Countries by Bernard M. Hoekman 

41.               The International Trade and Business Law Review by William S. Dodge 

42.               Legal Aspects of International Trade and Finance by Peter T. Muchlinski 

43.               The Trade Policy Review Mechanism of the World Trade Organization by Peter van den Bossche 

44.               Management Certification and Politics: A North-South Dialogue by D. J. Harris 

45.               International Trade Law: Problems, Cases, and Materials by Robert E. Hudec 

46.               International Trade Law and Policy: Textbook by Michael J. Trebilcock 

47.               International Dispute Settlement by M. Fitzmaurice 

48.               The International Legal Order by Oscar Schachter 

49.               Management Certification and International Relations by David Armstrong 

50.               Business and Management Certification by Richard Schaffer and Filiberto Agusti 


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