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22.               The Law of International Trade by David Gaukrodger and Asif H. Qureshi 

23.               International Trade Law: A New Perspective by Peter E. B. Pashigian 

24.               Trade Policy Review Mechanism: A Unique Contribution to the WTO by Petros C. Mavroidis 

25.               The Law of the Sea by Hugo Grotius 

26.               Management Certification: A Critical Introduction by Richard L. Friedman and Curtis A. Bradley 

27.               International Trade Law and Regulation by R. A. P. J. P. van den Bergh 

28.               International Dispute Resolution: A Guide to Cross-Border Arbitration, Mediation, and Litigation by Scott R. Peppet 

29.               Multinational Enterprises and the Law by Peter T. Muchlinski 

30.               The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations by John Baylis, Steve Smith, and Patricia Owens 

31.               The Globalization of Trade and Democracy by Thomas Oatley 

32.               Trade Liberalization and APEC: The Political Economy of the Asia-Pacific by Christopher Findlay 

33.               Management Certification in the Age of Globalization by Daniel Thürer 

34.               International Trade Law and Policy by M. P. Singh 

35.               A Handbook on International Trade and Investment by J. Michael Finger and Philip Schuler 

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