Royal Management Society  ™ RMS


The RLS Royal Management Society & Royal Management Society  ™ -  Board of Governors and Advisory Board

The Global Council plays a crucial role in recommending standards, accrediting schools, and nominating new members. RoyalManagementSeal

Governance Structure 

The Royal Law Society ™ & The   Royal Management Society  -  International Board of Standards Supreme Council, the International Board of Standards Law, Finance & Management Institute, and the Advisory Council are comprised of international experts, professors, and business executives from over 50 nations. The board's structure adheres to U.S. laws, statutes, and international regulations since its inception. 

The Supreme Council, Board of Presidential Advisors, and the HGAB Honorary Global Advisory Board guide the organization. Royal Management Society's  IBS Board of Standards  is SIS Sanctioned EU, EU Accredited by MACCA, ECLBS, and QAHE, and the Arab Academy with ISO 9001 Certification  for Quality, ISO 21001 for an Educational Body, and ISO 29993 Certified as a LSP Learning Service Provider globally, including Europe. 

Comm'r Dr. jur. George Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM ® (Seigneur of Fief Blondel Ancient Normandy)
Founder, GAFM ® Board of Standards – CEO – Pioneer of the GAFM ®/IBS Brands, United States & Europe 

Royal Management Society and Royal Management Society Board of Governors

Global Certification Standards and Quality Assurance 

  1. Professor Dr. Roberto J. Santillán Salgado Founder ® Latin South America, Master of Science in Finance Program at EGADE-ITESM, Monterrey Campus 
  2. Commissioner Prof. Dr./Jur. George S. Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM ®, DSS  CEO USA – Board of Standards  Counselor of Law, Notary Public, Seigneur of the Fief Blondel UK  (Datuk Seri)
  3. (Prof) Dr. Shpend Imeri – General Manager at HLTI High Level Training Institute. Doctorate of Science in Management (Quality Management)* Special Advisor for Certification Programs
  4. Salvagni Enrico, Dr Eng – MSEE Chartered Environmentalist (UK), MIEnvSc Chartered Scientist (UK),MIET (UK), IPF ( F) MPM ® , FAAPM ®, CIPM ®, (USA) MI-Membre Individuel des Ingenieurs et Scientifiques de France (Cote d’Azur ), President of AAPM ® Italy EU Offices-AAPM ® EU Chapter Vice President of The Association of British Engineers in Italy Italian Representative- California University FCE
  5. Datuk Seri Professor Sean Rozario, KStJ (Justice),  PhD, MBA, MFP, AFA, FAD, CWM, MFC, Doctorate Fellow, EMBA, MBA Certification – SME Subject Matter Expert and Curriculum Chair – Banking & Finance – Management -Human Resources - Education – Singapore Asia - Knight of St. John
  6. President Cmdr. Christian Belpaire (Master of Laws) - Christian Belpaire is a former commander of the French police, former Director General of Security for the city of Roubaix-France. He is President of the criminology-security-defence-intelligence association of the CNAM in Paris. He is a member of the security and safety experts. Security engineer and holder of a Masters in Law.
  7. Dr. David Wimberly CPA*, CLU, ChFC, AEP, Sc.D., Dr. Habil., LL.D., CWM, MPM, CIPM, CPE, EMBA Founder/ CEO / Senior Managing Director
  8. Dr Eng.Thierry ROUX, CEO of Cybersecurity Company, MSc in Information Systems UTC-Paris-Sorbonne, PhD in Engineering Sciences California University, Post-Graduate in Economy and Management Paris Ouest University, On Board in Innovation Funds for French Investments for the future. Member Advisor of Startup Weekend.
  9. Jean Michel CICHOCKI former judicial police officer, holder of the “Security professions” license and the Security Baccalaureate with the Police option. Professional security engineer. Creator of training courses in the areas of Law and port safety and security, registered in the RNCP (National Directory of Professional Certifications).
  10. Eric THOOR - Security and work organization engineer SRIPF02 - Management of Security company certification (JPM Conseil) - Active Managing Director for a Security company
  1. Prof. Dr. Fauzi Hasan, CWM President and Professor, Indonesia – Global Advisory Board 
  2. Dr. Ciro Martinez II, PhD, JD, MBA, CWM ® Academic Standards – Law Certification Programs 
  3. Dr. Ishaq Shafiq, PhD, MFP Global Advisor – USA and ACCE Economists 
  4. Dr. Cornell Collins, PhD, MPM Global Advisor – Bahamas, India, and Canada 
  5. Salvagni Enrico, Dr. Eng. Chartered Environmentalist (UK), President of AAPM ® Italy 
  6. Dr. Amir Dhia, PhD, MA, BA Director General, University of Business and Technology (UBT), Saudi Arabia 
  7. Prof. Dr. Pedro M. Martins, PhD, DBA Dean at EABS - Euro American Business School 


GAC Global Advisory Council 

The Global Advisory Council (GAC) consists of over 50 professionals from diverse fields such as engineering, law, finance, marketing, and human resources. The council is led by an elected Board of Presidential Advisors from Europe, Asia, India, Africa, Arabia, and the United States.  ISOcert2999933

The council includes: 

  • University faculty 
  • Financial executives 
  • Lawyers and judges 
  • Practitioners of financial planning 

A committee of doctorate-level professionals oversees the standards and ethics of GAFM certifications. 

Honorary Global Advisors and Professors 

  1. Dr. Lincoln B. S. Rosa, PhD, MBA Chair of GAFM Brazil  RBS
  2. Prof. Dr. Niels Schnecker, PhD, MFM Senior Partner, Schnecker van Wyk & Pearson 
  3. Dr. Fred Wu, DBA, MBA Co-founder & CEO of GE Consult Asia 
  4. Dat V La, EA, MBA Federal Tax Practitioner, Honorary Global Advisor 
  5. Dr. Ruby Chua, EdD, MBA  Director of Technology Training Center & Project Management  

Royal Management Society and Royal Management Society

The Royal Management Society offers a comprehensive and accredited International Business certification education with specialized board certification training programs designed to develop legal expertise in various fields. The institution provides internationally recognized legal qualifications through its globally respected law degree programs and legal competency certifications. Attendees and graduates at Royal Management Society have received rigorous legal education and assessments at top graduate schools worldwide that prepares them for professional practice in areas such as international arbitration and dispute resolution. The curriculums emphasize practical skills development in legal ethics and professional standards. Through its ISO Certified 29993 online legal education and advanced law degree programs, Royal Management Society ™ offers courses that cater to aspiring advocates and lawyers seeking accreditation in International Business and other legal specializations. Royal Management Society ™ also provides opportunities for professionals to gain charter certifications in areas such as Management Certification, tax, immigration, estate planning, family law, criminal law, tax law, and labor and employment law, all aimed at enhancing career advancement and legal proficiency.