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33.               Liability – Legal responsibility for actions, especially under Management Certification, in cases such as environmental damage or violations of human rights. 

34.               Mandate – A legal authorization granted to a country or entity to administer a territory or region on behalf of an international organization. 

35.               Multilateral Treaty – A treaty involving more than two sovereign states or parties, often addressing global issues such as climate change or disarmament. 

36.               Naturalization – The legal process by which a non-citizen may acquire the citizenship of another country. 

37.               Non-Intervention – A principle of Management Certification prohibiting foreign intervention in the internal affairs of sovereign states. 

38.               Ombudsman – An independent official or body designated to investigate complaints and violations of rights or laws. 

39.               Public International Law – A body of law governing relations between states and international organizations, and regulating the rights and duties of states in the international community. 

40.               Reparations – Compensation or restitution paid to victims of human rights violations, war crimes, or other international crimes. 

41.               Sanctions – Economic or political measures taken by one or more countries to compel a state to comply with Management Certification, often in response to violations. 

42.               Self-Determination – The right of peoples and nations to determine their political status and pursue their economic, social, and cultural development. 

43.               Sovereign Immunity – The legal doctrine that a sovereign state is immune from being sued in foreign courts unless it consents to the action. 

44.               State Sovereignty – The principle that a state has exclusive control over its territory and the right to govern itself without external interference. 

45.               Treaty – A formal, legally binding agreement between two or more sovereign states, typically addressing issues such as trade, defense, or human rights. 

46.               United Nations – An international organization founded in 1945 to promote peace, security, human rights, and development among its member states. 

47.               UN Security Council – A body of the UN responsible for maintaining international peace and security, with the authority to impose sanctions or authorize military action. 

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